My new employer is headquartered in Israel and as a result I got to take a trip there for new hire orientation and brainwashing. Along with several very long work days, our group went on organized tours of the old cities of Jaffa and Caesarea with a stop in Isfiya and the monastery at Mount Carmel. The Mediterranean coast of Israel is beautiful and I hope I get more opportunities to visit in the future.
Tel Aviv beaches from Jaffa waterfront
Tel Aviv from the hilltop in Jaffa
Homes in Jaffa
Jaffa from the waterfront just south
St Peter’s is a Roman Catholic church in Jaffa
The tour guide on both trips was fantastic and always kept our attention
Bathhouse ruins in Caesarea
Mosaic floor in roman bathhouse in Caesarea
City wall in Caesarea
What’s left of the first man-made harbor in the world, at Caesarea
Rush hour on the main road through Isfiya
Entrance to homes in Isfiya
Olive crusher in Isfiya, used commercially until the 1970’s
Olive press in Isfiya, used commercially until the 1970’s