I visited my friend John in Zwolle where he was finishing his semester abroad. We spent a couple weeks traveling around western Europe over the winter break before his exams. We stayed with classmates that had gone home for break since home was just a simple train ride away for them.
The trip as a whole was great. We had a little travel snafu on the way home (more on that later) and we missed a train or two but everything worked out. I’m grateful to all of our friends’ families for hosting us on our journey.
Our travels start out with Berlin, Munich, Augburg. We also drove to Austria for a few minutes just because we could.
My parents let me borrow their luggage. I’m sure they’re happy about that.
John promptly got a ticket for not having a bike headlight the first night I was there.
I know the streets are narrow, but seriously!
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Holocaust Memorial
This is exactly how I expected Germany to be
I forget what this is, but it’s important
Berlin Jewish Museum
Best. Logo. Ever.
One of the first things we saw getting into Munich. Germany…what?
Munich Olympic grounds
Little kids falling down on CC Skis
Lion Rodeo
Some wacky maybe-collapsible bike
Augsburg really knows how to do a town hall
Driving INTO the clouds on the way to Austria
Dude built and lived in this TEMPORARY castle while his real one was being built across the valley
Buses bleed. Don’t hit buses with bicycles.
For some reason we got to walk through a fire station in Augsburg
Note this BEER VENDING MACHINE in the fire station